Switching between modes
- Welcome mode Ctrl+1
- Edit mode Ctrl+2
- Design mode Ctrl+3
- Debug mode Ctrl+4
- Projects mode Ctrl+5
- Help mode Ctrl+6
Moving Between Open Files
press Ctrl+Tab.
Moving To the Edit Mode - and currently active file.
press Esc.
Showing and Hiding the Sidebar
press Alt+0 or
Cmd+0 on Mac OS X
Default Keyboard Shortcuts
Action | Keyboard shortcut |
Open file or project ctrl+o |
New file or project Ctrl+N |
Open in external editor Alt+V, Alt+I |
Go back Alt+Left |
Go forward Alt+Right |
Activate Locator ctrl+k |
Auto-indent selection ctrl+I |
Collapse Ctrl+< |
Expand ctrl+> |
Trigger a completion in this scope Ctrl+Space |
Copy line down Ctrl+Alt+Down |
Copy line up Ctrl+Alt+Up |
Cut line Shift+Del |
Join lines Ctrl+J |
Decrease font size ctrl+- |
Increase font size Ctrl++ |
Toggle Vim-style editing Alt+V, Alt+V |
Enable text wrapping Ctrl+E, Ctrl+W |
Visualize whitespace Ctrl+E, Ctrl+V |
Adjust size Ctrl+J |
Start debugging F5
Reset debugger Ctrl+Shift+F5
QSignalSpy Introspection
QTime timer;
while(timer.elapsed() < 300 && !spy.count())
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);