Accounts & SSO(Single Sign On) Framework
The Concept of “unified account model”
The Accounts & SSO (Single Sign On) project provides a framework to implement a unified account management system with secure authentication functionality. The account and SSO subsystems are orthogonal, in a sense that they can be used independently of each other.
Both come with C and C++
Both come with C and C++
Through C (glib/GObject based) and C++ (Qt based) APIs for client applications.
Accounts(How Meego will handle account settings)
Firefox, Thunderbird, Empathy/Pidgin, F-Spot Picasa export plugin: different applications asking for the same data, your Google account settings. The Accounts framework introduced in MeeGo aims at simplifying this situation, allowing application writers to rely on a unified solution for storing/managing accounts settings.
A centralized accounts UI is used to create accounts and edit their settings, while applications are just left with the task of enumerating existing accounts and using them.
SSO(Single Sign On)
A system for centrally storing authentication credentials and handling authentication on behalf of applications as requested by applications. This is a not only a centralized secure password storage; it’s also a framework of authentication plugins which help applications to login to remote servers while preserving user credentials from being exposed to the application.
Overview of "Accounts framework"
The accounts subsystem provides a storage solution for user accounts. Applications which need to store and access user settings for the service they provide over a user account will use the Accounts API. All applications acting on user accounts (such as instant messaging, e-mail, calendar and social networking applications) can benefit of the unified account model provided by this framework.
Design of the possible UI for Unified Account Model
This framework makes it possible to have only one account UI for creating and editing all user accounts; instead of configuring part of the user’s Google (for instance) account in Thunderbird (for e-mail), Empathy or Pidgin (for IM), F-Spot (for photo/video sharing), etc., we'd like to offer the user the possibility to have all of an account’s settings in a single place, divided by sections specific to every service type.
So, we'd have one section with all the settings that are global for the account: username, password (although for password storing we'd recommend using the SSO framework, and just store the ID of the credentials in the accounts DB), display name, maybe avatar, and a switch to enable/disable the account.
Then, every service provided by the account would add its own settings (if any); for sure there should be a switch to toggle the service on/off, plus any settings that makes sense for the service. For instance, the image sharing section could contain a setting for the maximum image resolution to be used when uploading.
These service-specific sections could be implemented via dynamically loadable plugins, or constructed at run time from XML descriptions.
These service-specific sections could be implemented via dynamically loadable plugins, or constructed at run time from XML descriptions.
This account UI could be in the control panel of the device, but it could also offer some IPC so that applications could invoke it for configuring a specific service type; for instance, e-mail application could have a menu item “Edit e-mail accounts” which would bring a view of all the accounts providing the e-mail service, and only the e-mail sections of each account could be shown.
Signond single signon daemon
Signond single signon daemon
Single Signon Daemon development files Single Signon Daemon provides password storage and credential retrieving service for applications. Provides authentication plugins for passwords and NokiaAccount.
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