what is gitorious
Git Common Commands
Gitorious is the name of a web based project host for collaborative opensource projects using the Git[Fast Version control system]
Gitorious provides projects with wikis, a web interface for merge requests and code reviews, and activity timelines for projects and developers
http://gitorious.org/about About - Gitorious]
Git Common Commands
. Create a repository in the current directory
git init
. Create a local copy of a git repository
git clone [user@domain:/path]
. View the log
git log
. View log with ASCII graph
git log –stat
. View log with diffs
git log –p
. View branches
git branch
. View all branches
git branch –a
. Create a branch
git branch [branch_name]
. Delete branch
git branch -d [branch_name]
. Force delete a branch
git branch -D [branch_name]
. Create a tracking branch
git branch --track [branch_name] [repo/branch]
. Switch to a branch
git checkout [branch_name]
. Create and switch to a branch
git checkout -b [branch_name]
. Add all content to the index
git add .
. Add specific content to the index
git add [file_name]
. Save changes queued to the index
git commit
. Save all uncommitted changes
git commit –a
. Commit and show diff of changes
git commit –v
. Quick commit message
git commit -m "Message"
. Restart branch with code in another branch
git rebase [branch_name]
. View the difference between branches
git diff [branch1] [branch2]
. Combine code from a branch into the current one
git merge [branch_name]
. Undo last commit or merge
git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
. Save uncommitted changes
git stash "Description"
. Show stash
git stash list
. Merge the stash with working directory
git stash apply
. Delete stashed code
git stash clear
. Send commit objects to another repository
git push
. Send commits to a specific repo and branch
git push [repository] [branch_name]
. Fetch objects and merge with current branch
. (if tracking)
git pull
. Fetch and merge from a specific repo and branch
git pull [repository] [branch_name]
. Get objects from a repository
git fetch [repository]
. Create a git repository based on a Subversion repo
git-svn clone [url]
. Send git commits back to Subversion
git-svn dcommit
. Get changes from Subversion
git-svn rebase
How do I share my local Git repository at Gitorious.org?
Easiest way is to put something like the following in your .git/config file of the repository you wish to push:
[remote "origin"]
url = git@gitorious.org:project/repository.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
and then git push origin master to push the code to Gitorious.
You can also just run "git push git@gitorious.org:tumbline/mainline.git", or you can setup a remote by doing the following (add --fetch to the add call to get the config from above):
git remote add origin @gitorious.org:project/repository.git
# to push the master branch to the origin remote we added above:
git push origin master
# after that you can just do:
git push
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